Watching the temperature outside was clearly a gateway drug to wherever I am now

OK, I’ve probably gone too far now…

Airplane dashboard, or apartment dashboard?
The ultimate in function (mostly) over form.
The night was moist... or was it sultry?
Humidity is rising…

It’s a mix of devices providing the data…

  • For the inside/outside/fridge temperatures and humidities I’m using 433MHz “Acurite” brand probes.  They’re received using a Raspberry Pi with a USB SDR and RTL_433 package.  I’m using a Python script to parse the JSON output from RTL_433 and then write that to a PHP script on my web server which stores the data in a MySQL database.  The Acurite’s transmit every 16s, I only write data if the change is greater than 0.5 from the last value.
  • For the “Storage” info, it’s a 3G cellular connected Particle Electron with an AM2302 and a 4400mAh battery set in my tin-can storage unit where I store all my tools and stuff that doesn’t fit or belong in the apartment–This is a new storage unit, my old one was indoors and somewhat climate controlled.  I’m a bit worried about how some of my stuff will do in this one which is a drive-up and seems to get very hot and very humid.  The Electron will measure and transmit every hour, to preserve the battery it goes into deep sleep between readings.
  • For the “Soil” info, it’s a WiFi connected Particle Photon using an SH-10 stuffed into the spider plant’s pot and a YL-69 which measures resistance between two copper traces.  I take readings every 10 minutes and transmit regardless of changes.  This device is powered by an 18Ah 12V SLA battery so I do sleep the Photon between readings, but the SLA is kept float charged by mains.