subjunctive — A guilty pleasure of mine is that I like the show “Big Bang Theory”, a couple of weeks ago a scene popped into my head where Sheldon was saying “…because apparently I’m ridiculous” and rather than just try to search scripts I started rewatching the entire show… well, technically I’m not always watching it, usually I listen to it while I put my son or myself to bed. FYI, that scene is when they’re using the Cheesecake Factory freezer to prepare for the trip to Arkansas the Arctic.
inculcate — Sadly this one is lost… I think I was looking up something about MySQL?
assiduous — I decided to finally come up with an alternative to my last 32-bit MacOS app, which allowed me to update to BigSur… Post-update I saw the Terminal warning that zsh was the default shell so I swapped over which of course meant all my bash aliases stopped working. I found a post at stackexchange discussing how to convert aliases and the top answer used this term.
Listerine… I have a Mid-2014 MacBook Pro with a delaminating screen — at one point Apple was going to replace the screen for no-cost to me, but they required it be returned to them for 3-4 days I never followed up. The delamination doesn’t bother me much except that it occurred over the webcam which has lead me a few issues:
Blurry webcams look “gross”, essentially the view of me looked like a photo being taken through a grease smeared lens
External webcams — even really expensive “4K” versions — don’t come close to capturing as well as the built-in versions on Mac/iPhone, I think everything looks oddly pale and washed out.
I hadn’t recently searched for how to address the delamination issue, but it turns out that Listerine is said to remove the coating which causes the issue… A few YT videos claimed it doesn’t work, but I was able to use a q-tip inside the opening of my sliding webcam cover to clear just that area and it worked very well! It may sound silly but the lack of a non-greasy-looking webcam was my #1 driver to replace this machine, so with that settled (plus the 1TB SSD upgrade I did in early 2020) I don’t see any reason to upgrade quite yet (which is nice because I don’t want an early generation M1).
I’ve had these things over the years and they’ve all ended up not used often or trashed. I suspect it’s generally because I don’t have a theme or plan for regular content which leads is to being a random list of thoughts or things I want to keep track of it.
For this iteration that’s the theme: Things I Want To Keep Track Of
July 19th 2023 Edit: Hey, I decided to go back and get trashed stuff and put up all up on display again.
I started writing this as notes on the network activity, but realized it sort of sounds like a review, so I wanted to make clear that I’m just a customer, I have no other relationship with this company, nor have I received anything from them for free. That said, I think that Litter Robot’s are the best automated litter handler on the market in the last 10 years, I bought my first one in 2009. They’re robust, easy to use, and work well.
Automated Pet Care Products (APCP) released an upgrade called ‘Connect’ for their latest Litter Robot model (the LRIII) which connects your litter box to the internet to let you monitor it in real-time, and receive pushed notifications of status changes or errors.
Why would you want this? Many reasons, but a few are–
Tracking litter box usage can give insights into your cat’s health–yes you can examine the ‘output’, but that doesn’t tell you if your cat is spending time in the box and not ‘producing’, but this app will
Reminds you when it’s full, or nearly full, which is especially useful if you keep it out of sight
Gives you peace of mind that the device is functioning correctly (in my experience, once the device is setup having it malfunction is extremely rare, basically non-existent, but now you can know for sure that it is or isn’t working and exactly how long it has been like that)
You enjoy keeping tabs on the mundane things in life, like watching your refrigerator temperatures or your cat’s bowel habits…
The upgrade to existing LRIII’s consists of:
New mainboard (physically looks the same, but probably has newer firmware and maybe a multi-colored power LED, it still uses a PICF18)
Communication board that attaches via a 4 conductor cable and has an ESP32 on it as well as a second PICF18
New control-face sticker (adds a WiFi logo and is black instead of blue)
A serial number sticker w/ QR code (the QR code is necessary to set up the app)
I’m wary of anything “IoT” being added to my network, you hear about too many devices become spies or part of a botnet. With an ESP32 and PIC’s I think the risk is low, I also think that APCP has a unique product with custom written firmware, but I was interested to see what data is being sent around.
To capture that data I used a Raspberry Pi 3 which I have setup as an access point on my network. Any device that uses its WiFi signal must route packets through the RPi3 which I can grab using a tool like tcpdump.
It looks like the LRIII Connect makes connections to an AWS instance every minute or so. The LRIII and AWS pass messages in the clear using UDP.
A typical set of messages looks like this:
04:51:29.171485 IP > ec2-54-83-xxx– UDP, length 74 E..f……P…*.6S…….Rv.>LR3,xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,H,AC,Rdy,W7,NL1,SM122:06:26,PL0,CS0113,110D,2F23538F
04:51:29.470242 IP ec2-54-83-xxx– > UDP, length 20 E .0.{..-..96S….*………AOK,xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Note, the italicized x’s were other decimal or hex values, but I removed them to attempt to anonymize myself for this public post. I’m sure that though APCP would have no issue identifying me if they wanted to though.
The first line above is a typical message from my LRIII to AWS, and the second is an “AOK” return from AWS.
There may be shorter versions of the LRIII message, but I haven’t seen them regularly enough to comment yet.
These are ‘heartbeat’ type messages that are sent very regularly, by doing this the LRIII effectively maintains a bidirectional communication link so that you can push commands to it via their app (like start a cycle, turn the night light on, etc) without any special network setup to allow incoming communication, because the LRIII is always reporting its status which gives the server a chance to issue it commands.
Breaking down the message from my LRIII to AWS it’s fairly clear what is being sent. I appreciate that APCP is sending their messages in the clear and that they are relatively easy to decipher:
ID of my LR3 (removed from this post, it has a 14 digit hex number)
AC Power Present? I have a the backup battery, but disconnected it during upgrade to Connect and haven’t yet reconnected it
Appears to be the status, I’ve seen Rdy,CST,CCP,CCC which I assume translatea roughtly to “Ready”, “Cat Sensor Timing” (waiting w/ Red Light), “Clean Cycle P” (Cycling), “Clean Cycle C” (Cycling Complete). This doesn’t appear to change when in sleep mode, so I don’t think it’s a straight translation of the LED pattern to a state.
Wait Time? (To wait after cat exits the box defaults to 7 minutes)
Nightlight On/Off (mine is on, this goes to NL0 when I turn it off)
I think this has to do with Sleep Mode. It changed to SM100:00:00 at the time when I have sleep mode set, prior to that it was counting up to 24:00:00. So I assume this is a 24 hour counter.
Panel Lock On/Off
Cat Sensor (weight) (This was 0x0110 when my cat was out, and 0x014F when in… dec “63” difference, so maybe it is 6.3lbs? I assume this is a post-calibration value and that calibration is done with the known weight of the empty machine to handle variation between load cells)
Sequence number? Consecutively increases each time.
Hash? Other configuration bits? Seems to change each message
Anyway, that’s what I’ve seen so far. In ~12 hours of observation I haven’t seen any other noteworthy communication or anything that looks nefarious. The TLDR of this is that I won’t worry much about keeping it on my network–except for the fact that it’s yet another WPA2 client.
One thing I was happy about is that there is no local network communication. Some devices, like TP-Link plugs and Philips Hue, want to communicate between the mobile app and device on your local network. This makes using client isolation and guest networks problematic. The LRIII Connect doesn’t use this–both the LRIII and the mobile app appear to talk to remote servers as intermediaries for all communication.
I’ll try to take a look at the data passed by the mobile apps later, but I assume that will be encrypted because in my experience HTTPS is now required for API calls by Android and iOS.
The ultimate in function (mostly) over form.Humidity is rising…
It’s a mix of devices providing the data…
For the inside/outside/fridge temperatures and humidities I’m using 433MHz “Acurite” brand probes. They’re received using a Raspberry Pi with a USB SDR and RTL_433 package. I’m using a Python script to parse the JSON output from RTL_433 and then write that to a PHP script on my web server which stores the data in a MySQL database. The Acurite’s transmit every 16s, I only write data if the change is greater than 0.5 from the last value.
For the “Storage” info, it’s a 3G cellular connected Particle Electron with an AM2302 and a 4400mAh battery set in my tin-can storage unit where I store all my tools and stuff that doesn’t fit or belong in the apartment–This is a new storage unit, my old one was indoors and somewhat climate controlled. I’m a bit worried about how some of my stuff will do in this one which is a drive-up and seems to get very hot and very humid. The Electron will measure and transmit every hour, to preserve the battery it goes into deep sleep between readings.
For the “Soil” info, it’s a WiFi connected Particle Photon using an SH-10 stuffed into the spider plant’s pot and a YL-69 which measures resistance between two copper traces. I take readings every 10 minutes and transmit regardless of changes. This device is powered by an 18Ah 12V SLA battery so I do sleep the Photon between readings, but the SLA is kept float charged by mains.
Last year I bought a Particle Electron which is a little module that runs Arduino-like code, but has a cellular modem attached to it as well. I mated it to a temperature sensor and GPS, put it in a weather tight box and I keep it in the cargo area of my car connected to a switched 12V power point back there–it also has a lithium-ion battery which can keep it running (with judicious standby times) for a couple of weeks between running the car.
The sketch that I have running on it reports the position of my car every ~30s while the vehicle is running (12V is present) and every 1-5 hours when it’s not running (no 12V), there’s also other data reported like speed, course, temperature, cellular signal statistics, etc. The reporting is through a PHP script that writes it to a database.
This what you’d normally see, a traffic-overlay map with a Subaru icon representing the car’s location. The InfoWindow opens when the car hasn’t reported a position in more than 15 minutes, “Last Report” is the last report from the car and “Last Check” is the last time this browser pulled data from the server. Temp is the cargo area temperature in the car and battery percentage is for the lithium ion back up. The InfoWindow closes itself when the car is moving and the direction of the Subie icon matches the last reported course of the car:
I recently drove all over the place and I decided to see how the cellular signal was along the way so I put together a heatmap where the weights are based on the RSSI of the cellular signal. I was pretty impressed with how good the signal is, but also the fact that the service works in other countries (like Canada too).
I assume the roaming from USA to Canada was seamless, but I do have a watchdog that may have restarted the device when no cellular was detected for more than 10 minutes. That might explain the short blips around the border.
Cell Strength on my recent driving, red is stronger
I have a couple of fans around the apartment to keep us cool. Being the lazy type I found that using their manual switch is terrible; I really needed to be able to turn them on or off without getting out of bed or getting off the couch.
To add on/off control to them I decided to buy a couple of TP-Link WiFi-controlled plugs at Amazon. These aren’t bad, but the only way to control them is with an app that TP-Link produces–it’s cumbersome to pick up your phone, unlock, swipe to find the app, then touch the fan for the room you’re in, especially in the middle of the night.
What I needed was a really simple controller. Just a single button. If the fan is on, pushing the button turns it off. If the fan is off, pushing the button turns it on.
After some quick research it became clear that local network control of these WiFi plugs is really trivial–you make a TCP socket connection to their IP at port 9999 and then send a set of XOR’d JSON commands. If you poke around online you’ll find the details easily enough.
I have some Particle Photon’s (WiFi enabled Arduino’s), so I wrote up a quick sketch that works fairly well, but it ends up being a switch hung off of hook-up wire, a breadboard, and a 5V power supply–the control may be simple, but the rest is bulky and delicate. It’s also not cheap, the Photon’s alone are $20.
Then Amazon Prime Day happened and they put their Dash buttons up for 99¢ … that’s the perfect controller for this project! — It’s compact, easy to use (just one button), battery powered, and now it’s under $1 each.
Amazon only allowed buying of one of each brand, so I picked eight random products and ordered some Dash buttons. At under $1 each Amazon is certainly losing money sending me these, but I figured I spend so much there anyway they owe me one (or eight).
Two of the Dash buttons
There are plenty of posts on the Internet about hardware teardowns of Dash buttons and all the potential from the hardware packed into these guys, but most people have settled on a very simple and practical way of using these in “off label” ways — The gist of it is that each time the Dash button gets pressed the Dash will connect to your WiFi network and send an ARP broadcast to make sure it’s OK to keep using the IP that it has. That ARP is associated to a mostly-unique MAC address which you can then sniff out using another computer on the network. Using this technique you can determine when a Dash button is pressed without having to make any changes to the Dash button hardware or software.
The key here of course is that you must get your Dash button on your WiFi network without completing the setup to Amazon–otherwise you’ll be ordering stuff each time the button is pushed! Luckily it’s surprisingly easy to do this, you pretty much follow all the usual instructions for setup, but then near the final step you simply don’t select a product to associate to the button, instead you quit the app/setup. This leaves your Dash setup to get on your network and make its request to Amazon, but Amazon will reject it because this Dash is not associated to an order or product.
There are a variety of ways to accomplish the sniffing, some people online are using NodeJS, but I’m more comfortable with Python. Python also makes quick work of the TP-Link half of this project.
The script below is a quick and lazy cobbling of some Dash button sniffer logic and TP-Link HS-105 controlling logic. In summary, it sits and listens for an ARP broadcast from the hard-coded MAC addresses, once one is detected it polls the current state of the appropriate TP-Link plug and then sets that plug’s relay to the opposite state.
You can modify the script to attach any number of Dash button MAC addresses to any number of TP-Link plugs–even controlling multiple plugs with a single Dash button press. In the script I have hardcoded everything for simplicity, but you could get fancy about the associations if you wanted.
First note I’ll make is that the Dash buttons will sometimes broadcast an extra ARP beacon or two, to counter this I added in a short 5-sec back-off time to prevent toggling an outlet more than one time in those cases.
I should also note that at this stage of development the error handling is virtually non-existent, in fact it’ll quit if it can’t reach a plug on the network.
That said, it’s good enough for now!
from scapy.all import *
import json
import socket
import time
onCmd = '{"system":{"set_relay_state":{"state":1}}}'
offCmd = '{"system":{"set_relay_state":{"state":0}}}'
infoCmd = '{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{}}}'
port = 9999
brMAC = '68:37:e9:e6:33:f0' # Airheads
lrMAC = 'ac:63:be:b8:31:d4' # Tide
brIP = ''
lrIP = ''
brLC = 0
lrLC = 0
def arp_display(pkt):
global lrLC, brLC
if pkt[ARP].op == 1: #who-has (request)
if pkt[ARP].hwsrc == lrMAC:
print "Pushed Tide - Living Room"
if (time.time() - lrLC > 5):
#print "Executing..."
lrLC = time.time()
print "Duplicate, skipping..."
elif pkt[ARP].hwsrc == brMAC:
print "Pushed Airheads - Bedroom"
if (time.time() - brLC > 5):
#print "Executing..."
brLC = time.time()
print "Duplicate, skipping..."
# print "ARP Probe from unknown device: " + pkt[ARP].hwsrc
def encrypt(string):
key = 171
result = "\0\0\0\0"
for i in string:
a = key ^ ord(i)
key = a
result += chr(a)
return result
def decrypt(string):
key = 171
result = ""
for i in string:
a = key ^ ord(i)
key = ord(i)
result += chr(a)
return result
def currentState(string):
sock_tcp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock_tcp.connect((string, port))
eString = encrypt(infoCmd)
data = sock_tcp.recv(2048)
rawJson = decrypt(data[4:])
#print rawJson
decodedJson = json.loads(rawJson)
currentState = decodedJson["system"]["get_sysinfo"]["relay_state"]
if (currentState == 1):
print "Currently ON, turning OFF"
print "Currently OFF, turning ON"
except socket.error:
quit("Cound not connect to host")
def turnOff(string):
sock_tcp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock_tcp.connect((string, port))
eString = encrypt('{"system":{"set_relay_state":{"state":0}}}')
data = sock_tcp.recv(2048)
except socket.error:
quit("Cound not connect to host")
def turnOn(string):
sock_tcp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock_tcp.connect((string, port))
eString = encrypt('{"system":{"set_relay_state":{"state":1}}}')
data = sock_tcp.recv(2048)
except socket.error:
quit("Cound not connect to host")
print sniff(prn=arp_display, filter="arp", store=0)
So let’s say you expose SSH of your Raspberry Pi to the internet and you’d like to be able to VNC or RDC to a Windows machine on the same network while you’re away.
What you need to do is use SSH to forward your computer’s local port to the port of the remote network computer
Here’s an example: ssh -L 5900:
The command above will connect me via SSH to my machine exposed at and use it to forward any requests to my own localhost port 5900 to port 5900 at the remote network address
Assuming that address has a VNC server running I can open VNC viewer on my local machine and try to connect to localhost:5900–it’ll connect me to that remote machine.
This is super useful and doesn’t require you to go through complicated VPN setup, expose a ton of ports to the internet, or use a service that tunnels out and exposes your computer (like Team Viewer or Log Me In)
I have a Sony DCR-HC52 miniDV camera that I’ve made a few tapes with over the years, mostly just family parties and the like–things that at the time you mostly don’t care to rewatch, but suddenly after 10+ years the memories become more precious.
Ever since recording video on your phone has become higher quality, and easier to do for long periods, the standard def DV camera has fallen into disuse, but the other day I came across it and decided I’d break it out to convert those old tapes to a more portable digital format while I still had the working equipment and before the tapes got too old.
These DV cameras came with an interface that let you move the data off tape digitally and on to a computer, in theory there is no quality loss like you had when you converted from analog tape/signal to digital. Apple calls the interface “Firewire” and Sony called it “i.Link”. There are other vendor specific names, but the technical (and common) name is “1394”, named for the number assigned to the specification by the IEEE (
My first hurdle, my circa-2014 Macbook Pro doesn’t have Firewire, but it does have Thunderbolt. After confirming online that this is the way to go I bought a Thunderbolt to Firewire 800 adapter and then a Firewire 800 to Firewire 400 (4-pin) cable. Plugging the entire thing in I saw the “DVin” icon flash on my camera for a moment, but otherwise no connection… Further poking around online came up with nothing much except a surprisingly short list of supported DV cameras for iMovie from Apple.
I never did a get a definitive “it won’t work” from my searching, but based on the fact that it doesn’t work it appears that modern iMovie has dropped support for older DV cameras.
One other alternate suggestion online was to break out an older Firewire equipped Mac from an era where these cameras were modern and might still be supported by the older copy of iMovie–I do still have my 15 year old G4 PB, but I decided to go another route and look at Linux options instead.
Within a minute off googling I had the answer–there is an open source program called “dvgrab” that will connect to, control, and pull over the video data from DV devices. A quick question/answer here provided everything I needed:
Fortunately I have an old Lenovo T410 laptop which is running Ubuntu 16.04 and happened to have a 4-pin 1394 (firewire) connector on it, I also had a 4-pin to 4-pin firewire cable laying around (see, this is why I never throw old cables away…)
Installing dvgrab was as easy as running sudo apt-get install dvgrab and then the command to start creating files from tapes was equally easy (because some wonderful askubuntu user put it together 5-7 years ago for me!)–
sudo dvgrab -a -format raw -rewind -t prefix-
The above command will start dvgrab with a few useful options–
-a will try to break the video files up by scene (if you had started/stopped your recordings)
-format raw will save the file as .dv which is the native format … this format is easily playable by VLC and can be imported directly into iMovie
-rewind commands the device to rewind first–convenient if you’re cycling through tapes, you pop it in and run the command it will detail with rewinding and then starting playback as well as stopping when the tape is done
-t will add a timestamp to the file name
prefix- will append whatever you replace that word ‘prefix’ with, for example ’70th_birthday-‘ will append that text to each file created
By default dvgrab will break the video up into 1GB files for easier handling and importing (or smaller if -a finds scene splits)
Make sure that you have plenty of space available as it’s about 1GB per 5 minutes. I have a 250GB SSD in my Lenovo so capture is easy, and then I moved them to a 1TB USB drive for safe keeping.
I was able to copy the files from my Linux machine over to my Mac using ‘scp’ from the Mac command line and then import them into iMovie for editing, titling and saving into a more compressible format (each 1GB .dv file wound up being about 200MB once in .mp4 format).
Now the files can be put up on Dropbox, burned to DVDs, or otherwise spread out to keep the content safe and accessible for more years.
Mac OS X produces files with just an LF the end of each line. Windows produces files with both CR and LF.
I ran into a problem building HEX files with MPLAB X IDE on my Mac, the hex files had just LF’s terminating each line but my downloading process required that I have CR and LF marking EoL.
The internet–and I don’t reference one site because I found this in many places–had the answer as usual.
Here is a short Perl incantation that can replace each LF with a CRLF:
I use the above as part of a bash script that automatically converts and uploads my hex files to a server:
fwVer=$(date +%y%m%d%H%M%S)
if [ -n "$1" ]
perl -pi -e 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\r\n/g' /my/local/path/myprojectfile.hex
scp /my/path/myfile.hex$fwVer.hex
If I supply an argument when calling the script it will use that name when uploading the file, otherwise it will name the file based on the current time using YYMMDDHHMMSS format which allows the latest files to sort up to the top of a list and gives you some clues about when you built one vs. the other.
A quick note, there is no line break in the scp command, but it may appear that way due to formatting on this page.